9 December 2021: Jan Komárek presented paper at the webinar “The Legitimacy of European Constitutional Orders: A Comparative Inquiry”

Jan Komárek presented paper entitled “From legitimacy to ideology: towards ideology critique of European constitutionalism” at the webinar organised jointly by Marco Dani, Marco Goldoni, Agustín J. Menéndez in the course of the preparation of their edited volume, which will discuss Bruce Ackermann’s Revolutionary constitutions: charismatic leadership and the rule…

How Polish Constitutionalism Imagines Itself in Europe? Warsaw, 10 December 2021, Staszic Palace/Zoom

Legal theorists and sociologists have recently used the term ‘constitutional imaginary’ as a set of ideas and beliefs that help to motivate and justify the practice of authority. They provide this authority with an overarching sense and purpose recognised by those governed as legitimate. Constitutional orders may be based on…

2-3 December 2021, conference “The European Union re-founded? Rethinking EU governance in times of permanent crisis”

Team IMAGINE took part in the Annual Danish European Association- European Community Studies Association Conference 2021, organised by our iCourts colleagues Shai Dothan & Juan A. Mayoral. We presented a panel entitled “Exploring European constitutional imaginary’s OTHER” – details here (pdf). Our panel was kindly chaired by Jakob…

Birgit Aasa presents at the conference “The Rule of Law Crisis in Europe – Historical and Procedural Aspects” in Lund

On 29 September Birgit Aasa presents her paper on “Mutual Trust and the Rule of Law” at the conference “The Rule of Law Crisis in Europe – Historical and Procedural Aspects” in Lund. In case you want to know more about the paper and Birgit’s research, you can get…

Jan Komárek presenting “Freedom and Power of European Constitutional Scholarship” to colleagues in Berlin

Jan Komárek presented his forthcoming paper on “Freedom and Power of European Constitutional Scholarship” to colleagues at the Center for Global Constitutionalism, part of the WZB Berlin Social Science Center.

IMAGINE Panel and a working group at ICON-S Mundo Conference

Exploring European constitutional imaginary‘s OTHER This panel brings together the team of people working on the ERC-funded project IMAGINE – European Constitutional Imaginaries: Utopias, Ideologies and the Other. We will discuss the key assumptions of the project and specific case studies focused on how the constitutional imaginaries of Europe have…

Birgit Aasa and Michał Krajewski present at the EUI conference on The Rule of Law in the EU: Consensus and Discontent

On Thursday, 10 June Birgit Aasa will present her paper on ‘Mutual Trust and Rule of Law in the EU – an Uneasy Relationship’, the following day Michał Krajewski will talk on ‘The Many Faces of the Rule of Law: The Assets of EU Extra-Judicial Review Mechanisms’. Details…

The legitimacy of European constitutional orders: Questioning the revolutionary, establishment and elite pathways

Due illness, Jan Komárek only delivered (in writing) his paper “From legitimacy to ideology: towards ideology critique of European constitutionalism” at the conference The legitimacy of European constitutional orders: Questioning the revolutionary, establishment and elite pathways, held on 24-28 May 2021 at the Faculty of Law, University of Trento…

Jan Komárek presented IMAGINE to the Gothenburg University EU Law Discussion Group

Jan Komárek presented IMAGINE to the Irish EU law working group (Trinity College Dublin)

The Working Group is generously funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission via the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Politics and Law and the EUROGOV Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, both at Trinity College Dublin. Meeting was chaired by Stephen Coutts.

Petr Agha presented “The Forgotten Voices of the Velvet Revolution(s)” at Dissenting Voices seminar, Jan Komárek commented

Petr Agha presented “The Forgotten Voices of the Velvet Revolution(s)” at a webinar organised as part of  ‘Dissenting Voices. European thought between tradition and rupture’, Jan Komárek commented.

Jan Komárek presented IMAGINE to colleagues in Brno

Jan Komárek presented our project to the working group on constitutional law at the Faculty of Law, Masaryk University in Brno (online).

The Academic Forum of the New University – Revitalization of EU Constitutionalism

14 December, The Academic Forum of the New University: Revitalization of EU Constitutionalism, Jan Komárek discussed (with Gráinne de Búrca and Neil Walker) Matej Abelj’s IMAGINE Working Paper No. 9; video from the Forum…

Jan Komárek and Petr Agha presenting at The East-West Divide – Growing Tensions in the EU? 

Online symposium organized by the Studio Europa Maastricht, Jan Komárek gave a paper on “Speaking of and for the Other: (Post-)communist Europe in European constitutional imaginaries” and Petr Agha on “The forgotten voices of the Velvet Revolution(s)”…

Jan Komárek talked about the application process to get an ERC Starting Grant

27 November 2020, Jan Komárek shared his experience with the process of working on the application and applying for the ERC Starting Grant with researchers from the Czech Academy of Sciences…

Jan Komárek on “Freedom and power of the constitutional professoriat: professors as politicians, businessmen and public intellectuals”

11 November, Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague, Faculty Night Festival (online), Jan Komárek gave a talk on “Freedom and power of the constitutional professoriat: professors as politicians, businessmen and public intellectuals”. Video from the talk.

Petr Agha and Jan Komárek presented at the workshop “The Czech Century in law and politics”

16 September, Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague, workshop (in Czech, online) České století v právu a politice [The Czech Century in law and politics], Jan Komárek presented paper “Vídeň-Moskva-Brusel-„Západ“: O nesamozřejmé české státnosti” [Vienna-Moscow-Brussels-“The West”: On the non-self-evident Czech statehood] and Petr Agha “Vzpomínka na hranice – patos, politika a populismus”…

Jan Komárek on “Why read The Transformation of Europe today?”

1 June 2020, EUI Law Department, EU Law Working Group, Jan Komárek presented (online) paper Why read The Transformation of Europe today? On Transformation’s constitutional imaginary, Joseph Weiler commentator; Video from the seminar. Final version of the paper presented.

Jan Komárek on “Why read The Transformation of Europe today?”

20 May 2020, WZB Berlin, Center for Global Constitutionalism, Jan Komárek presented paper Why read The Transformation of Europe today? On Transformation’s constitutional imaginary …

Jan Komárek on “Why read The Transformation of Europe today?”

25 February 2020, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Jan Komárek presented paper Why read The Transformation of Europe today? On Transformation’s ideology and utopia…

Jan Komárek on “The rule of law and liberal legalism in (the post-communist) Europe”

14 and 15 November 2019, The Swedish Network for European Legal Studies, Stockholm, conference 30 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Rule of Law in the European Union (programme-pdf), Jan Komárek presented paper The rule of law and liberal legalism in (the post-communist) Europe). Abstract: 1989 opened the possibility to…

Jan Komárek on “European constitutionalism: Towards an ‘ideology critique’” and “Crisis Politics and the Judiciary”

3 and 4 October 2019, Danish European Community Studies Annual Conference,  Aarhus University, Jan Komárek presented paper European constitutionalism: Towards an ‘ideology critique’ and participated in the round table discussion “Crisis Politics and the Judiciary”, together with Christian Joerges (kick-off speech), Hagen Schulz-Forberg (moderator) and Karen Alter and Graham Butler  (other panelists) (programme here).

Jan Komárek on “Transformative Constitutionalism in India and the EU”

19-20 September 2019, IEARN workshop, Giessen – Transformative Constitutionalism in India and the EU, Jan Komárek contributed with a discussion note (programme here-pdf);…

Jan Komárek discussed with Alexandra Kemmerer “Futures Past of European Constitutional Imaginaries”

25 June 2019, European Law School, Berlin, Jan Komárek presented  – with Alexandra Kemmerer (Max-Planck-Institut) “Futures Past of European Constitutional Imaginaries in the 1950s and 1990s: A Dialogical Exploration” (programme here – pdf).

Jan Komárek on IMAGINE at the Mountain Seminar 2019

12-15 June 2019, Mountain Seminar No. 3 – Jan Komárek presented the key ideas of IMAGINE to colleagues from the Mountain Seminar Society (programme here – pdf);…

Jan Komárek on “Constitutional Imaginaries: Utopias, Ideologies and the Other” at fEUtures conference

3-4 June 2019, fEUtures conference, Roskilde University, Trajectories and Imaginaries of European integration – Jan Komárek presented (via Skype) paper Constitutional Imaginaries: Utopias, Ideologies and the Other (programme here-pdf).

Jan Komárek presented IMAGINE to Emile Noël Fellows (NYU School of Law)

26 April 2019, NYU School of Law, Jean Monnet Center – Jan Komárek presented the key ideas of IMAGINE to Emile Noël Fellows.

Jan Komárek on “European constitutionalism: Towards an ‘ideology critique’” at Yale Law School

25 April 2019, Yale Law School, The Law and Political Economy (LPE) Project and the European Law Working Group – Jan Komárek presented paper European constitutionalism: Towards an ‘ideology critique’.