Jan Komárek and Joseph Weiler on “The Transformation of Europe”

1 June 2020, EUI Law Department, EU Law Working Group, Jan Komárek presented (online) paper Why read The Transformation of Europe today? On Transformation’s constitutional imaginary, Joseph Weiler commentator. Video from the seminar.

Jan Komárek on “Why read The Transformation of Europe today?”

1 June 2020, EUI Law Department, EU Law Working Group, Jan Komárek presented (online) paper Why read The Transformation of Europe today? On Transformation’s constitutional imaginary, Joseph Weiler commentator; Video from the seminar. Final version of the paper presented.

Jan Komárek on “Why read The Transformation of Europe today?”

20 May 2020, WZB Berlin, Center for Global Constitutionalism, Jan Komárek presented paper Why read The Transformation of Europe today? On Transformation’s constitutional imaginary …

Jan Komárek on “Why read The Transformation of Europe today?”

25 February 2020, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Jan Komárek presented paper Why read The Transformation of Europe today? On Transformation’s ideology and utopia…

The Transformation of Europe: Twenty-Five Years On – Book launch and critical assessment

At this seminar we have discussed the book The Transformation of Europe: Twenty-Five Years On edited by Miguel Poiares Maduro and Marlene Wind (Cambridge University Press 2017). Programme of the event. Related IMAGINE Working Paper No. 10: Why read The Transformation of Europe today? On the limits…

Jan Komárek: “Why read The Transformation of Europe today? On the limits of a liberal constitutional imaginary”

This article argues that reading Transformation today may help us understand the limits of liberal constitutional imaginary, on which Transformation builds and which it helped to establish in the 1990s. Now, when ‘Western liberalism’ is on retreat, such critical reading may be indispensable for those who look for alternatives. The…

Alexander Somek and Jakob Rendl: “Messianism, Exodus, and the Empty Signifier of European Integration”

In most his most recent accounts of European integration, J.H.H. Weiler claims that Europe was built with Messianic fervor. After the destruction and evil wrought by the Second World War, Europe was supposed to be a ‘promised land’. The article examines how Weiler conflates the narrative of the exodus with…

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