Maria Mälksoo: “Vicarious Sovereignty: Becoming European the Estonian Way”

Vicarious identification, or ‘living through another’ refers to the way actors appropriate the achievements and experiences of others to gain a sense of purpose, identity and self-esteem. This chapter proposes that vicarious identification with ‘Europe’ has been constitutive for Estonia’s pooling of important aspects of its sovereign power with the…

Aleksandra Kustra-Rogatka: “European integration-ineffable aspiration or the object of concern? About ambiguity of Europe in the Polish constitutional imaginary”

The Polish constitutional imaginary is an eclectic set of ideas, often contradicting or potentially conflicting with each other. This feature is partly the result of the complexity of Polish history, the leitmotif of which has revolved around regaining and maintaining independence for several centuries. This chapter analyses the relationship between…

Workshop “Searching for the Estonian European Constitutional Imaginaries – Sovereignty in Context”, Tartu 9 December 2021

The IMAGINE Estonian workshop focuses on some of the most salient issues of the Estonian belonging to Europe or “somewhere else” – the forever liminal space between the East and the West and its repercussions for both Estonia and Europe. It takes a multidisciplinary and historically broad approach to the…

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