9 December 2021: Jan Komárek presented paper at the webinar “The Legitimacy of European Constitutional Orders: A Comparative Inquiry”

Jan Komárek presented paper entitled “From legitimacy to ideology: towards ideology critique of European constitutionalism” at the webinar organised jointly by Marco Dani, Marco Goldoni, Agustín J. Menéndez in the course of the preparation of their edited volume, which will discuss Bruce Ackermann’s Revolutionary constitutions: charismatic leadership and the rule…

Jan Komárek: “Freedom and Power of European Constitutional Scholarship”

What is it that European constitutional scholars are, and should be, pursuing? The noble answer would be: knowledge, as all scholars do. However, they do much more, undoubtedly because of the nature of their discipline. Lawyers have always been close to power. This has consequences for the way they conduct their…

Jan Komárek on “European constitutionalism: Towards an ‘ideology critique’” and “Crisis Politics and the Judiciary”

3 and 4 October 2019, Danish European Community Studies Annual Conference,  Aarhus University, Jan Komárek presented paper European constitutionalism: Towards an ‘ideology critique’ and participated in the round table discussion “Crisis Politics and the Judiciary”, together with Christian Joerges (kick-off speech), Hagen Schulz-Forberg (moderator) and Karen Alter and Graham Butler  (other panelists) (programme here).

Jan Komárek: “Rethinking constitutionalism and democracy . . . again?”

This is a review essay on three recently published books that seek to rethink constitutionalism and democracy in the context of European integration. The books are: Dieter Grimm, The Constitution of European Democracy (Oxford: OUP 2017), Athanasios Psygkas, From the “Democratic Deficit” to a “Democratic Surplus”: Constructing Administrative Democracy in…

Peter L. Lindseth: “The Constitutional Imaginary and the ‘Metabolic’ Realities of European Integration”

Understanding the European Union (EU) as an autonomously constitutional entity—what this volume evocatively calls the EU’s ‘constitutional imaginary’—has been central to judicial decision-making and legal scholarship on European governance over many decades. If our aim, however, is to understand what European governance actually is, rather than what the dominant discourse…

Matej Avbelj: “Revitalization of EU Constitutionalism”

Imaginary is both a goal and a map charting the path to that ideally imagined socio-political construction. Ideas matter and, indeed, human beings make things with words, especially in the social reality, but there is no direct or linear trajectory between the concepts, on which a given imaginary is built,…

Fernanda Nicola and Jeff Miller: “The Failure to Grapple with Racial Capitalism in European Constitutionalism”

Since the 1980s prominent scholars of European legal integration have used the example of U.S. constitutionalism to promote a federal vision for the European Community. These scholars, drawing lessons from developments across the Atlantic, concluded that the U.S. Supreme Court had played a key role in fostering national integration and…

Michael Wilkinson”: On the New German Ideology”

Postwar Europe is partly reconstituted by a fear of democratic freedom, and a desire for political and economic stability. Constitutional relations are transformed over time through a mixture of political authoritarianism and economic liberalism. This takes place in a combination of domestic and supranational developments. The transformation also has a…

Jan Komárek: “Rethinking constitutionalism and democracy . . . again?

Author’s version of a review article published in (2019) 17 International Journal of Constitutional Law 992–1005 This is a review essay on three recently published books that seek to rethink constitutionalism and democracy in the context of European integration. The books are: Dieter Grimm, The Constitution of European Democracy…

Jan Komárek: “European Constitutional Imaginaries: Utopias, Ideologies and the Other”

This paper outlines the conceptual background to a broader intellectual project that aims to study ‘European Constitutional Imaginaries’. These are understood as ideas that stand behind various conceptualisations of the EU constitution, produced by EU constitutional lawyers and theorists. The paper first explains the concept and identifies the gap in…

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