Attila Antal: “The Constitutionalised Image of Enemy in the Hungarian Fundamental Law”

Making a constitution is about making political identity and creating political community. This paper investigates how the Hungarian Fundamental Law (entered into force in 2012) and its amendments have been based on constant enemy creation. In the first section, the theoretical framework of enemy- and identity construction of the Orbán…

Mónika Ganczer: “Impact of Historical Traditions on the Regulation and Practice of Preferential Naturalization of Hungarians Living Outside the Borders”

The study presents the impact of historical traditions on the making and application of law through a specific example. The regulation of nationality, a pivotal field of constitutional law, is considered a sovereign right of the Hungarian state, which is exercised in line with Article G) of the Fundamental Law…

2-3 December 2021, conference “The European Union re-founded? Rethinking EU governance in times of permanent crisis”

Team IMAGINE took part in the Annual Danish European Association- European Community Studies Association Conference 2021, organised by our iCourts colleagues Shai Dothan & Juan A. Mayoral. We presented a panel entitled “Exploring European constitutional imaginary’s OTHER” – details here (pdf). Our panel was kindly chaired by Jakob…

‘History, Constitution and Identity in Hungary’ 18 November 2021, Centre of Social Sciences Institute for Legal Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

The workshop explores continuous presence of historical narratives in Hungarian constitutionalism. It analyzes this problem by mapping the historical roots of political and legal thinking about these narratives, including constitutional debates of 18th and 19th centuries, and the emergence of the concept of Hungary’s historical constitution. The presentation further delve…

IMAGINE Panel and a working group at ICON-S Mundo Conference

Exploring European constitutional imaginary‘s OTHER This panel brings together the team of people working on the ERC-funded project IMAGINE – European Constitutional Imaginaries: Utopias, Ideologies and the Other. We will discuss the key assumptions of the project and specific case studies focused on how the constitutional imaginaries of Europe have…

Interview with Marina Bán on Historical constitution of Hungary

Welcome to the podcast brought to you by the IMAGINE Project, run by Professor Jan Komárek and hosted at the iCourts Centre of Excellence for International Courts, University of Copenhagen. IMAGINE works on the Intellectual History of European Constitutional Imaginaries. In this podcast, Marina Ban – a post-doc working with…

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