Interview with Joana Mendes on the EUI and its impact on European constitutional imaginary

This interview follows up on our Third IMAGINE Workshop “Freedom and power of European constitutional scholarship”, where Joana Mendes chaired one of the panels. In this conversation, we talk about the intellectual impact of the European University Institute (Florence, Italy) on the building of the European Union’s constitutional imaginary,…

Interview with Urska Sadl on entering EU legal academia from a post-communist country and the EUI of today

This interview follows up on our Third IMAGINE Workshop “Freedom and power of European constitutional scholarship”, where Urska Sadl chaired one of the panels. Urska is widely known as a scholar who has brought empirical methods to the study of the European Court of Justice. We have talked about…

Interview with Alexander Somek on being a European legal academic

This interview follows up on our Third IMAGINE Workshop “Freedom and power of European constitutional scholarship”, where Alexander Somek (Professor of Legal Philosophy, University of Vienna Faculty of Law) gave an introductory paper. Jan Komárek talks with Somek about what it means to be a “legal academic”, how…

Jan Komárek discussing “Supremacy Scorned? EU law supremacy after three ultra vires judgments”

Link to the podcast @ De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Europees Recht. Is EU law still supreme? Most national high courts have formulated some limits on the absolute supremacy claimed by EU law. Only three courts so far have actually declared an EU act to be ultra vires, openly denying…

Interview with Nicholas Haagensen on the legal imaginaries of EU lawyers and the Eurocrisis

Welcome to the third podcast brought to you by the IMAGINE Project, run by Professor Jan Komarek and hosted at the iCourts Centre of Excellence for International Courts, University of Copenhagen. IMAGINE works on the Intellectual History of European Constitutional Imaginaries. Today, we will talk to another postdoc working at…

Interview with Marina Bán on Historical constitution of Hungary

Welcome to the podcast brought to you by the IMAGINE Project, run by Professor Jan Komárek and hosted at the iCourts Centre of Excellence for International Courts, University of Copenhagen. IMAGINE works on the Intellectual History of European Constitutional Imaginaries. In this podcast, Marina Ban – a post-doc working with…

Interview about IMAGINE with Jan Komárek (by Michał Krajewski)

Welcome to the first podcast brought to you by the IMAGINE Project, run by Professor Jan Komarek and hosted at the iCourts Centre of Excellence for International Courts.